
Bread mold and spore formation
Bread mold and spore formation

bread mold and spore formation

You can take this project further by measuring how much mold is on each piece of bread after a certain number of days. My kids thought the dry bread in the paper bag would mold first. We only put water on one of our bread pieces, but for the best “scientific” results, you should put water on one piece in a dark place and one in a light place. Bread Mold Science Fair Project Directionsĭivide your bread into as many pieces as you want to test. Check out this list of my favorite science fair presentation supplies. Your science fair presentation is important! It should look presentable and eye-catching. There are so many supplies for science fair projects that are individual to each project, but if you want a general list of possible supplies and inspiration for your project, check out my selection of science fair experiment supplies on Amazon. You may also want to check out this list of science fair project research supplies. Growth of a new organism on or inside the parent body is called (a) Fragmentation (b) Grafting (c) Budding (d) all of these (c) Budding.


Click the image below to get my free science fair project checklist so you can start organizing your project from the start. Bread mold reproduce by (a) Budding (b) Fragmentation (c) Regeneration (d) Spore formation (d) Spore formation. tention after baking, thus retarding formation of moisture film. When you’re planning your project, you want to keep everything organized. Artificial inocula- tion of bread with mold spores, kept in dried dextrin, was tried with.


Shop the included Amazon storefronts to make things easier and don’t forget to download the free science fair planning checklist before getting started! Science Fair Project Planning You’ll want to have these supplies on hand before doing your science fair project.

  • A permanent marker to label each piece of bread.
  • Bread (fresh bread from a bakery will produce much faster results than bread with preservatives).
  • A lot of cheese and antibiotics are created with a mold as a base.
  • There are thousands of types of mold, some good and some bad.
  • Mold grows from spores that float in the air.
  • Mold grows in the shape or multicellular filaments called hyphae.
  • When doing your bread mold science fair project, here are some fun mold facts for kids to include: She predicted it would be the bread we placed in the paper bag in the pantry.

    bread mold and spore formation

    We placed bread in various conditions (we had dry dark, dry light, wet, open, and in a closed bag) and Monkey came up with a hypothesis for which piece of bread would mold first. Bread will mold faster in the open air than in a plastic bag.Bread in a sunny location will take longer to mold.Bread with preservatives will take longer to mold.Have the children create a hypothesis something like this:

    bread mold and spore formation

    Kids should come up with their own hypothesis for the mold experiment. Follow along with these instructions to make your own version of the bread mould experiment! Bread Mold Experiment Hypothesis Ideas

    Bread mold and spore formation